Monday, February 15, 2010

Lets skip last week!

So I'm just skipping my weigh in and measuring this week. I feel yucky after having a horrible week. I ate out like 5 times this week...mommies group went to Cheesecake factory, valentines dinner at Mimi's Cafe, Subway one night, Panda Express (its what my husband wanted for valentines) not to mention the sweets I received! My husband bought me a box of chocolates and those sweetheart candies, which are my absolute favorite. I can let the chocolate sit forever, but not those tiny little hearts with happy little sayings on them...those nothing but sugar colorful friends of mine.
Its been a depressing moods go with the weather. Sunny, I'm happy. Snow, I'm ok. Rain, eh. Cloudy rain and snow mix...leave me alone! Its been a mix of everything this week. Today its just crappy! So Im down, plus my husband is leaving for PA bright and early tomorrow morning for a grad school interview. So I had a meeting at church on Thursday night, and I was feeling ok. I was waiting by the door for some other women and one walked in looked at me and kept going. I figured she didn't recognize I get to the room for the meeting and help her set things up. She asks how I'm doing and everything, you know the I'm going to be nice small talk...then she asks me something...drum roll.....When are you due!? WHAT! I respond as nicely as I can with, I'm not pregnant, but we are trying. I wanted to run out of the room crying. Ive lost weight, and feel better but this just killed my motivation. So me loosing weight makes me look pregnant? UGH! I bawled when I got home, and I will admit Ive had my fair share of breakdowns this week. Yesterday was the worse! I was getting ready for church and then all the sudden I broke down. Seeing how large my legs looked, my arms not being able to go straight down because of weight, my nice spare tire aka pregnancy tummy I guess....After that its just a slap in the face. I know she didn't mean it and everything but I'm working so hard to loose weight and that's the response I get! All of my weight is in my tummy...but not all the way around...its hard to explain!
Picture it is finally! I look horrible right now, I haven't gotten ready for the day, but you get the idea!
Yes, so I have a gut...but I don't think I look preggo! But I can see where the idea comes from, with most of my weight gain being in my stomach. It was just a slap in the face. Because it was said, I'm having an emotional time with it. Instead of being healthy and loosing weight the right way, I want to go back to my high school way...not eating at all! I would only take a bite or two out of something and that was all....I was as little as 95lbs! Luckily, I grew up and realized what I was doing, but sometimes, the littlest comment can make you stupid again. I'm thinking about doing the atkins diet..I know I said I wasn't going to "diet" but its just eating healthy and knocking out starchy foods...the phase one is a killer, I don't know how long I will last. Grocery shopping tonight for veggies veggies veggies, meat and cheese. Those seem to be the only things I can eat....but Im still doing some research on it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I have a history of eating issues...I did the eat nothing "diet" in highschool too. You are a mom now. Do not harm your body, because of one person's irresponsible comment. I know your heart aches right now, try not to jump on a horrible diet that you can't live with. I really hope I don't sound bossy. Hope you feel better soon...
