Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where have I been?

Well, ladies Im kinda out of this fun weight loss challenge. I found out the first of March that we are expecting baby 2. So Im going to be bloated, and starving and of course gaining weight till November. Im going to have the healthiest pregnancy I can, and can I say I have only gained 3 lbs in 11 weeks! GO me. On average you gain 5lbs your first trimester and well, I only have a week to go till Im in my second. Im having a wonderful pregnancy, full of happiness and thoughts of how to teach my son to be a loving big brother, names, nursery decorations, and no morning sickness. I don't even feel pregnant. I really really REALLY want another boy, but I get opposite of what I want, so it will be a girl! Haha, we are very excited and can't wait to meet this little one! Ill still post here and there about my workouts, recipes and anything else healthy I can think if Im here and there for the next 8 months you know why! Good Luck to everyone, I hope you meet your goal soon. Lets see some more bikini's this year!!! I won't be joining, or maybe I will, we will see how big I am at that point!