Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Can Do This!

So after a woe is me day yesterday Im feeling a little better. I will admit I didn't eat a single thing all day till my dear husband took me to Subway...that footlong didn't last long! Those veggies and meat tasted so good. So Im back to where I need to be mentally. Today Im emotional due to my husband leaving for PA this morning. I should be excited to have a big bed to myself, to not be woken up by snoring, or someone yanking the pillow from under neither my head, to have more then 24 hours to do whatever I want....I can watch the tv shows I want, exercise, get the house clean, run around and do literally whatever till I pick him up tomorrow night! BUT instead I miss him. Ive spent hours crying this morning and trying not to think about it. But everytime our little one does something he shouldn't I break out in tears again thinking you wouldn't do that if daddy was here. I was supposed to work this morning and was looking forward to getting my mind off of everything but she texted me and said she only works a few hours and to take the day off. Im happy about having time to relax at home but working was going to help me get thru the day....Now I don't have any plans till about 5 today and I can't control my tears! Nap time is the only thing I have to look forward to...and thats a few hours away!

Enough of my emotional mood! The other day I was driving behind a cop and was shocked by the little license plate do dad thing...it said something like...Sandy, the city of healthy people....I guess didn't get the memo! Ok so I live in Utah, where everyone loves sports and you see about a million joggers every morning. People ski, snowboard, there is marathons, 5/10k's constantly, hike, bike, you name it, its done here in Utah. Im learning to enjoy the outdoors but Im from Cleveland. The land of keep your mouth closed and don't piss anyone off. The land of going out to eat to be with friends...don't exercise unless your rich and can afford a gym membership...blah blah blah. My husband is from Utah and he is more outdoorsy then me, but Ive learned that I LOVE to hike thru the mountains. I love the fresh air, and seeing new things. Im excited to become one of those joggers...one of those marathon runners. I look forward to these things. Thats why Im doing this. I have soooo many goals for myself, and I want to teach my son, and future children, that if you put your mind to something no matter what it is, work hard, and have faith and you can achieve it. I want to run a marathon by the time Im 30...6 years to go! I want to do a 5k this summer, a 10k is even a possibility. I want to hike to the top of Mt Timpanogos...bottom to top...a total of 7 miles. Ive done the 3 mile and HOLY CRAP!!!! I want to run a few miles every morning. I want to be healthy and happy. I want to be an example for my children. I don't want to be the over weight mom that can't keep up, I don't want to make excuses for not being able to chase them..I want to give them and myself the picture perfect life. I know its possible, Im still young, I have faith that I can meet all of these goals plus more!! With all of this being said, my son is throwing a tantrum because his toys are making noises...I think we both need to relax right now....Sesame Street, here we come!
Im going grocery shopping today, but working out a ton to make up for missing yesterday(Id like to kick myself for yesterday). Ive decided against Atkins, Im just going to keep doing what Im doing...its paying off slowly and that means its healthier then loosing 10lbs a week!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Lets skip last week!

So I'm just skipping my weigh in and measuring this week. I feel yucky after having a horrible week. I ate out like 5 times this week...mommies group went to Cheesecake factory, valentines dinner at Mimi's Cafe, Subway one night, Panda Express (its what my husband wanted for valentines) not to mention the sweets I received! My husband bought me a box of chocolates and those sweetheart candies, which are my absolute favorite. I can let the chocolate sit forever, but not those tiny little hearts with happy little sayings on them...those nothing but sugar colorful friends of mine.
Its been a depressing week...my moods go with the weather. Sunny, I'm happy. Snow, I'm ok. Rain, eh. Cloudy rain and snow mix...leave me alone! Its been a mix of everything this week. Today its just crappy! So Im down, plus my husband is leaving for PA bright and early tomorrow morning for a grad school interview. So I had a meeting at church on Thursday night, and I was feeling ok. I was waiting by the door for some other women and one walked in looked at me and kept going. I figured she didn't recognize me...so I get to the room for the meeting and help her set things up. She asks how I'm doing and everything, you know the I'm going to be nice small talk...then she asks me something...drum roll.....When are you due!? WHAT! I respond as nicely as I can with, I'm not pregnant, but we are trying. I wanted to run out of the room crying. Ive lost weight, and feel better but this just killed my motivation. So me loosing weight makes me look pregnant? UGH! I bawled when I got home, and I will admit Ive had my fair share of breakdowns this week. Yesterday was the worse! I was getting ready for church and then all the sudden I broke down. Seeing how large my legs looked, my arms not being able to go straight down because of weight, my nice spare tire aka pregnancy tummy I guess....After that its just a slap in the face. I know she didn't mean it and everything but I'm working so hard to loose weight and that's the response I get! All of my weight is in my tummy...but not all the way around...its hard to explain!
Picture please...here it is finally! I look horrible right now, I haven't gotten ready for the day, but you get the idea!
Yes, so I have a gut...but I don't think I look preggo! But I can see where the idea comes from, with most of my weight gain being in my stomach. It was just a slap in the face. Because it was said, I'm having an emotional time with it. Instead of being healthy and loosing weight the right way, I want to go back to my high school way...not eating at all! I would only take a bite or two out of something and that was all....I was as little as 95lbs! Luckily, I grew up and realized what I was doing, but sometimes, the littlest comment can make you stupid again. I'm thinking about doing the atkins diet..I know I said I wasn't going to "diet" but its just eating healthy and knocking out starchy foods...the phase one is a killer, I don't know how long I will last. Grocery shopping tonight for veggies veggies veggies, meat and cheese. Those seem to be the only things I can eat....but Im still doing some research on it!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Numbers Game

So every Monday is my offical weigh in...ugh! This morning not so impressed...I lost a pound, one, uno, un seul...you get the point. BUT on my defensive, my husband took me out to dinner Saturday for my birthday, and then yesterday being the Super Bowl Im ok with one pound gone. Would I have liked to loose more? Of course! But its better then nothing.

This is all just a game, depending on how many calories you eat, burn, gain...depends on your outcome! Here is a little example. Saturday I had Macaroni Grill for dinner, so yummy of course. So I went with the thought of just enjoy myself, its my birthday and I have to enjoy it! Ok so I had Chicken Parm., then my dear husband had them sing to me, they also brought me a HUGE piece of chocolate cake, covered in melted chocolate and nuts...sooo yummy. So I only ate HALF of both. All I ate all day was some samples at costco and pb toast so that I could enjoy my dinner. So my plan was come home workout and burn about 300 calories. Well, instead, I came home and wanted to know how many calories I just ate. Chicken Parm, 1450! Good thing I only ate half....Chocolate dessert 1500!!! Thanks hubby for splitting this one with me. I chose not to work out I was tired and exhausted from being out and about all day...Dinner was still under 2000 calories so I didn't worry about it. Sunday morning...got on the scale, 2 lbs gone! WHAT! I just ate almost 2000 calories in one meal and my body decided to LOOSE weight! We can sit here and crunch numbers all day...but in the end our body makes the decission what to do! I had about 2000 calories in a day, which even when Im not on a diet, I can never eat that much, so my body has a hard time loosing when it isn't getting much! Its not rocket science thanks goodness...so now I know...eat a little more burn the same, better outcome.

I think its important we learn what works for OUR bodies, what works for me won't work for you. My body loves that Im drinking tons of water and eating healthier smaller portions...it also loves that I still live a little, Im not giving up everything, Im enjoying things I love in smaller portions.

Here are my numbers that are so hard to admit....Its hard to put myself out there like this..

weight-155 lbs
height-5 ft (Im a shorty)

waist-36 inches (same as my husband...sad for me)
left arm- 12 inches
right arm-12.5 inches

left thigh- 21.5 inches
right thigh-21 inches

left calf-15.5 inches
right calf-15 inches

I feel gross! Ugh, same waist as my husband...but every monday, I will post my measurements...I hope I see a change quicker with these numbers then I am with my weight!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bring on the Pain!!!

First, the green tea doesn't taste that bad. I was shocked and I'm drinking just one glass a day. Of course, its not a miracle drink so I haven't seen rapid weight loss or unicorns...but Ill give it a month and see what happens!
Second, I love the hurt feeling. You know the one you get after working out, the next morning you get up and its just all over, its this sore feeling...it doesn't hurt and in your mind you have no clue. But then you think some more, and holy crap your body hurts from working out, its reacting the right way. This morning my butt and lower abdomen hurt, I don't think I have EVER felt this areas ache....I didn't know I had muscles there! I was so happy! Happy about pain, yes, you better believe it. So I say bring on the pain, I want to ache, sweat, and feel muscles that I didn't know exisited...its a wonderful feeling!

So this weekend is my 24th birthday, where has time gone? But I was really thinking today, and I'm glad Ive put myself to this challenge. I'm still young, only have one child, and my body doesn't completely hate me yet. I am so happy that I'm finally doing this, for myself. I am doing better with weight loss now then I ever have. I am feeling better and life isn't out to get me.

Well, The Office is over, my husband went to the movies with his brother, the little one is in bed, and I'm going to go workout. I'm doing so well, I know its rude to brag, but I truly am so proud of myself. I have never worked on something that I wanted this hard. Thank you motivation for finding me and becoming my friend. I think we have a long fun road ahead of us...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Green Tea

Should I try it or not? I heard the taste is horrible at first, that you have to choke it down, but after some time you get use to it.
My grandma is drinking 3 glasses a day and in a month I think, maybe a tiny bit longer, she has lost 18lbs...she doesn't exercise, and isn't on a diet. Can we say jealous?
I already bought some and its ready to be used..but Im scared I will hate it and won't see results! Im debating on making a little glass right now...but I can't force myself to drink it plain. I mean seriously, plain...no sugar, no honey, no flavor, just plain green tea. It doesn't even sound appealing, but the weight loss does.
Anyone else tried it? What do you think? Is the result worth choking it down for a little bit??

Day...Who Knows!

Ok so Ive not been very good with updating things on here. I'm chasing after a little monster, cleaning, cooking, working, shopping (my addiction other then food) etc etc BUT I am so happy that I lost 4lbs in a week. That's amazing for me. This week I'm working hard again...I'm trying to burn 600 calories a day, and Ill add, its not that easy! Luckily, cleaning and chasing a kid adds up. I asked my husband for a body bug type of thing for my birthday, he said NO...but then I found out how much they were and I was ok with that.

I'm stilling using the EA Active, which, if you have a Wii, I totally recommend getting the EA Active over the Wii fit. I feel better after using active. I use the fit to warm up and cool down and then a hard workout from the active and I feel amazing!

Ive been eating sugar which I know I said I wouldn't, but its hard not to. I'm going to try again to cut it out, or to just have one sweet thing a day. I can't quit cold turkey with sugar...I don't know how people can just quit eating sugar...its one of those things that I crave, and I have to have it!
My husband and I enjoy eating out, I thought this was going to be a problem. I mean eating out usually means you get something you normally wouldn't, then you add all the extras, you drink pop, and sometimes even a dessert...you easily eat 1300+ calories. Well, last Friday was my father in laws birthday and we all went out. I wanted a big burger, or chicken parm....but instead I got a fruit salad. Romaine lettuce with raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple, oranges and lemon poppy seed yogurt dressing on the side. I think that was by far the best salad I have ever had! And I knew it was healthy...plus I did the fork/dressing trick...you know where you get the dressing on the side, then dip your fork in it then get food on your fork. With this salad though, you almost didn't even need the dressing. I will definitely be going back to that restaurant just for that salad!

Well, its early, my son is still asleep and I need to get some working out done before he gets up.
OH and today, Im posting some before pictures...I know Ive lost 4lbs but believe me, it doesn't show...