Saturday, January 30, 2010

Im Behind...

Only in posts that is! But I did get on the scale this morning and 156!!!!! I'm absolutely trilled, Ill admit Thursday and yesterday, I didn't do nearly as much as I should have. Yesterday I even had onion rings :-( But I'm still proud of myself 156...*happy dance*
I still need to work out so maybe Ill get to that before the little one wakes up. I really need to catch up on my work outs. I am going to be doing alot of walking today, Saturdays in my home are spent out and about. I'm sure we will go to Costco, the mall, a few little stores in the area, and we were thinking about a dollar movie!!! So walk walk walk walk, sit! You gals have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Curse You, Royal Dansk Cookies

So today has been going fine and dandy, till I remembered we have some royal dansk cookies in the pantry! Oh, How I want to go eat, 3, 4 or 5! That buttery goodness in the form of a cookie! I think I hear them calling me....I'm trying so hard not to run to the pantry and grab one, but I shouldn't, can't, and won't! I'm doing well, I cant let some cookie take over.....
Since my mind is on the run with sweets, I suddenly remember everything we have in the house...pumpkin ice cream, carmel popcorn, buttery carmel, jello, cookies, peanut m&m's, Charleston chew, cake and brownie mixes that would only take an hour to make...I'm sure you get the point! My mind is on sweets and nothing more. I want sugar, I want fat, I want anything and everything that is bad for me at this point! My son is running around...maybe Ill get some cleaning and more playtime in...I just can't think about the sweets...
Curse you Royal Dansk....
Curse myself, for stocking up on them after Christmas when they went on sale for .60 a tin!! Yes .60, I bought 4....ooops!

Day 3

BMI: 31.03
45 minutes of a hard workout with the ea active
45 minutes on the will fit(strength training, yoga and aerobics...)

Feeling great, especially since the scale is showing progress. No sugar, still doing great, but my husband has a sweet tooth so I might give in just a little today. Ill workout some more before bed of course to work it off. (around noon)
I found out that you need to burn roughly 3500 calories a week to loose a pound. Which equals out to 500 a day!!! Looks like I need to work just a little harder. I'm going to push for 600 a day!!!

The bad news....I gave in to those royal pieces of crap! I had 2 cookies, and they weren't as good as I was hoping! Why would I give into something like that, and why must it taste like nothing that I was dreaming of? So I repeat myself, Curse you, Royal Dansk Cookies.....curse you for taking away my sweets for the day, and being sugary!!! I was doing so well till you started calling my name...Ill remember how much I didn't enjoy you, next time you call me!!!

Tomorrow I go to work again, I'm debating on taking my Ea active with me so I can work out while I'm there....but she does have a treadmill...maybe Ill just get on there and run! I have a 5k that I signed up for in March, I want to be able to run the whole thing. My dream is to one day run in a marathon, and I don't mean run half then walk/jog, I want to run the whole time! I want to do this before I'm 40...possible? Totally! Then maybe a triathlon, but I'm not one for swimming, so that could be a NO! But at least one marathon, but more would make me feel better..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 2

weight: 158.4
BMI: Didn't check today
Lazy, compared to yesterday.
I did jog in place while watching the last 20 minutes of Biggest Loser
Running around after kids
50 jumping jacks

Well, today was more of a struggle! Working doesn't make this easy for me. I don't have everything that I have here at home. The weather was kinda yucky, and my son was overly tired so the walk that I wanted, well, its still just a thought.
I did great with my diet today, still no sugar! Its actually alot easier then I thought. I'm not having a hard time with it at all....not yet at least. I'm eating smaller portions and I can honestly say, I feel better about myself, and I know that this is only day 2 but 28 days to go isn't that bad! I think its so hard to keep motivation, so I'm going to treat myself....of course this won't be for a while. Once I am down to a healthier me, and I'm happy with my weight loss (around 30lbs) then I am going to buy some nice jeans. I'm thinking some True Religions or something along that line. Every girl wants nice jeans...I don't think I have ever had jeans that fit in every way they were supposed to! So if I can get down to around 120-125....I get my jeans!!!! I think when we try to loose weight, we don't always have something to reach for. Its usually just loose weight and then go from there, why not treat yourself to something you really want! Dress? A sexy pair of heels? Jeans? Diamond necklace? Etc etc...

I'm off to bed, putting in 3 hours tomorrow hopefully! Always need to be well rested

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 1

Weight: 159
BMI: 31.29
25 minutes of aerobics on the wii fit.
30 minutes of jogging in place
plus running around the house after the kiddo and chores around the house.....Hey everything burns calories!

Ive only had about 800 calories so far today. I feel like I'm doing pretty good. I have a good frame of mind currently, and as my husband always tells me, I'm finally getting some time management. Its about 2:30 and dinner is done for tonight, tomorrows is started, dishes are done, bedrooms are cleaned, things are looking good! I haven't had any sugar...except for that natural sugar in fruits. I did make a smoothie for me and my son though. I'm always afraid that neither of us are getting enough fruits and veggies, so this is what I made...he LOVED it!
half a banana
1 whole orange
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
about 1 cup of strawberry yogurt
blended it till it was smooth! Tasted pretty well, but I need to get some more fruit in the house. I don't do well with bananas so I only had a small glass but its still more fruit then I normally eat.

I feel like Day 1 is always easy, your motivated, life and reality still haven't hit because your in your own world. I'm hoping this motivation stays with me. I work tomorrow, as a nanny, so I think we are going to go for a while and run around as long as the weather is nice, if not, then I will be jogging in place a ton!!!!

Total calories for the day: 1,375

Pretty good if you ask me. I'm trying to stay around 1, 500/day so if the weekend I go over its ok, as long as I don't go over too much! Today all in all was fairly easy, we will see what challenges come tomorrow! I think tomorrow, Ill add my measurements. You can't always see the change in weight but inches show....Im thinking arms, upper leg and waist???

Also, if you look at this blog or read it or anything, please leave me a comment, and let me know. I wonder if anyone is actually reading this, I figured there are millions of people, so at least 1 person must be slightly interested...Just a thought, let me know if your out there!


I want to start by explaining why I'm doing this.
I'm 24 years old and out of shape. I have a son that isn't even 2 and I'm having trouble keeping up with him at times. I should be able to run around and playing all day, but at times "Mommy needs a break". It breaks my heart to know I am at this point, the point of lost hope and tears. I hate my weight issue and I'm tired of dealing with it. Ive tried crash diets, fad diets and we can't forget the famous yo yo diets. Ive never done diet pills, and never plan on it. I can workout really well for a few days, then I rest for a week...not a good way to loose weight. I live in Utah, were everyone is fit and loves being outdoors. I'm originally from Ohio, were outdoor activities don't exist and we go out to eat when we want to get together with friends! Being here in Utah has given me the desire I needed to loose weight. There are skinny cute moms, and they jog with their kids in the morning, and some family activities including hiking, skiing, doing a 5k...blah blah get the picture! My family, we like being outdoors but after an hour or 2...we are tired worn out and go home and watch tv, while eating!

Ive decided to give myself a 30 day challenge. I have everything I need here at home to loose the weight, I just need to throw out the excuses! Easier said then done~
I'm not going to give myself a weight that I want to get down to...but I will say loosing 10lbs in a month would be wonderful. I want to be healthy and happy. Weight is just a number, nothing more, but being healthy is a lifestyle and something I need to reach for.

Each day I will post my weight, BMI, and what workouts I did, or will be doing.
I will also be keeping a food journal, and may add a few entries on here...
I will blog about how hard it is to stay away from the cupcake I want, or the mint chocolate chip ice cream I'm craving. Becoming healthy is going to be hard for me, I love sweets, junk food, and sitting around.

Workouts will include my Wii Fit, EA Active, Ab Roller, and a few other things, that are done with things around the house!

With that all being said, its time to workout and get going on things!